Artikel von Maria Salazar

Maria Angeles lives in Spain. She started translating for Mongabay in 2013 after finishing her postgraduate studies. She is now helping the team as the Translation Coordinator. Apart from her work for Mongabay, she works part-time as a translator and interpreter. Before joining the team, she worked as an English teacher and volunteered her time translating for different non-profits. She wants to contribute to make the world a better place to live in with her work

Der Kahlschlag im brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet nimmt weiter zu

Die Abholzung im brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet schreitet nach Angaben des nationalen Weltraumforschungsinstituts INPE weiter voran. Die monatlichen Ausschreibungsdaten zur Abholzung zeigten, dass im September 1.444 Quadratkilometer Wald im brasilianischen „legalen Amazonas“…